Brokers and Agents
Educate Your Office
Let Reliable Radon Inspections, Inc. educate your real estate office personnel on radon gas. Reliable Radon Inspections, Inc. will, upon request, present a ten to fifteen minute seminar at your next office meeting detailing what radon gas is, what the health concerns are, how radon gas is measured and how it is mitigated. Call (630) 247-8707 for an appointment.
Radon Testing In Real Estate Transactions
If you are a Real Estate Agent, you know that radon issues often occur after a purchase and sale agreement has been signed and before the closing. This frequently is a time when the schedule is tight and all parties are anxious to know about anything that might hold up the closing. Since radon is a safety issue, it is much more likely to require resolution before the closing as opposed to simply an allowance at closing.
Reliable Radon Inspections, Inc. specializes in real estate transaction testing. We utilize Sentrilock key Technology and can enter a home with the knowledge and approval of the home owner. This allows us to work on a closer schedule that can get the measurement results to all concerned parties as soon as possible. Don’t let this invisible poison gas linger in any home. We will help your clients by testing the home to find if it is at a dangerous level. Let us help your clients have a safe home.
Illinois Radon Awareness Act
The Illinois Radon Awareness Act is now in effect! This legislation requires that all Sellers of 4 units or less are to provide their Buyers with a completed Radon Disclosure form and a brochure entitled “Guidelines for Radon Testing”. This disclosure starts with a radon warning statement that says radon is the #2 cause of lung cancer second only to smoking. You can be certain that with this strongly worded warning your buyers will soon be asking you how they can get their radon levels tested. Let Reliable Radon Inspections, Inc. provide the radon testing for your clients.