Radon Testing for Commercial Buildings and Businesses
We understand that testing a commercial facility for the presence of radon gas CORRECTLY can pose a logistical dilemma between maintaining the required Closed Building Conditions, employee cooperation and your daily business operations. We start every commercial radon test with an onsite visit to develop a in-depth written project plan. In the planning phase, we will survey your facility/business to determine the exact locations where radon detectors will be required to be placed in accordance with Illinois radon measurement protocols.
After our on site survey is completed, we'll prepare a detailed written Project Plan that will include the following:
- An in-depth written description of the radon measurement project to be conducted;
- A radon testing notification letter to be disseminated prior to testing commencing that educates and informs your employees regarding what to expect during the radon gas testing;
- Samples of our radon testing in-progress notification signage to be deployed;
- A detailed detector placement diagram indicating every location that will be tested;
- A copy of our workers compensation & general liability insurance certificates
- A copy of our Illinois Radon Measurement Professional License
- A copy of our W-9 form
Prior to actually placing the radon detectors at your business we'll perform and prepare all of the necessary quality assurance activities and related logs and perform all necessary preparation work ahead of time. This means on the day of deployment, we can limit the time it takes to place the radon measurement devices and seamlessly flow into your daily operations.
Radon detectors are required to remain in your business/facility for a minimum of 48-hours of exposure during normal business operations. Once the exposure duration is complete our Radon Measurement Professional will return to discreetly collect the testing equipment.
Reliable Radon Inspections, Inc. analysis and reads all of our radon monitors in-house; this means we are able to provide you with some of the fastest test results in the industry. Once we analysis the collected radon data, a detailed Radon Test Report and a Certificate of Radon Testing that is suitable for framing will be produced and delivered.
Commercial radon gas testing clients can expect the Radon Test Report and corresponding Certificate to be provided within one business day after the radon test has concluded.
Call or text us today at 630-247-8707 for a consultation.